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BSV Transpiler launch on

The Bitcoin SV Transpiler is a long-awaited solution that allows you to transcribe any Ethereum smart contract to sCrypt – making BSV much more accessible.

Over the last month, Bitcoin Association for BSV has treated you to several new features and product launches. LiteClient launched to enable usage of the BSV network without the need to run a full node. The website added a demo section that lets you mint your own NFT on BSV and record data immutably to the blockchain. The Association launched a Discord channel to discuss everyday topics around BSV, and a Discourse forum specifically for Bitcoin SV’s technical professionals; miners, developers and service providers.

Today, the Association announces the launch of a long promised and eagerly awaited feature: the Bitcoin SV Transpiler.

Do you have an existing Ethereum smart contract that you had to shelve because of Ethereum’s cost prohibitive structure?

Dig out your code base! The Bitcoin SV Transpiler lets you convert your code to sCrypt, which will let you use it on the Bitcoin SV network where you can mint a smart contract so cheaply, that we’ve funded our NFT demo ourselves!

By promoting it as the focus language of BSV, more people will use sCrypt for its ease of use. As a result, you can expect a rapid increase in the number of smart contracts created on Bitcoin SV.

Behind the scenes of the creation of the Bitcoin SV Transpiler

For many years, Dr Craig Wright, Bitcoin Creator and Chief Scientist of nChain, has promised you this tool.

Ex-Facebook engineer, Xiaohui Liu took on the challenge of making it happen, spending around 3-years building sCrypt, a on-chain smart contracting language using the original BitCoin Protocol on BSV

The next step was to build a module on top of the sCrypt language to connect the similarities of the first language, Solidity to sCrypt. Creating this tool to make it accessible to users was a 5-month project undertaken by Xiaohui in collaboration with Vaionex’s Robin Kohze. 

Test drive Bitcoin SV Transpiler

As of May 26, 2022, the Bitcoin SV Transpiler is live to enable you to easily transpile ETH Smart contracts, NFTs and Tokens into BSV script in just a few steps. Head over here to try it out!

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